Monday, April 1, 2013

The Bane Chronicles: Snippet

Another Bane Chronicles snippet! Another Magnus moment! And... another JAMES HERONDALE moment! Although something provokes me a little...

(Warning: beware of Clockwork Princess spoilers if you haven't read CP2 yet. Avoid this if you don't want to be spoiled)

He had not seemed to want to be taken from the cold depths of the water: had fought Magnus as he dragged him out, then laid his pale cheek against the dank earth of the riverbank, and hid his face in his arms.

For a moment Magnus had thought he was crying, but as he stooped down to check on the boy he found he was barely conscious. With his cruel golden eyes closed, he once again reminded Magnus of the lost boy Will had been: Magnus touched his damp hair gently, and said “James,” in as kind a voice as he could.

His eyes were shut, black lashes ink-dark crescents against the marble-pale lines of his cheekbones. Sparkling drops of water were caught in the curling ends of those lashes: he looked unhappy as he slept in a way he did not when awake.


What do you mean by "he had not seemed to want to be taken from the cold depths of water"? Did James want to drown himself? Why? And his CRUEL golden eyes? Why are they cruel? And "he looked unhappy as he slept in a way he did not when awake"? What is wrong with him? Apparently he is nothing like Will in personality. Yes, Will is cruel at times. But with good reasons. Or is James lost, like Will did? Damn, the Herondale boys are killing me. More TLH feels again.

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