Monday, March 31, 2014

Don't Look Back: Review


Samantha is a stranger in her own life. Until the night she disappeared with her best friend, Cassie, everyone said Sam had it all-popularity, wealth, and a dream boyfriend.

Sam has resurfaced, but she has no recollection of who she was or what happened to her that night. As she tries to piece together her life from before, she realizes it's one she no longer wants any part of. The old Sam took "mean girl" to a whole new level, and it's clear she and Cassie were more like best enemies. Sam is pretty sure that losing her memories is like winning the lottery. She's getting a second chance at being a better daughter, sister, and friend, and she's falling hard for Carson Ortiz, a boy who has always looked out for her-even if the old Sam treated him like trash.

But Cassie is still missing, and the facts about what happened to her that night isn't just buried deep inside of Sam's memory-someone else knows, someone who wants to make sure Sam stays quiet. All Sam wants is the truth, and if she can unlock her clouded memories of that fateful night, she can finally move on. But what if not remembering is the only thing keeping Sam alive?


I have to say I'm surprised when I first read this book. Jennifer's books are always quirky and really fun and at times... perverted in a really cool way. This is book is quite different. It's more normal and quieter. I can't get used to it at first because I'm kind of anticipating for some really nice out-snark. But this book finally grows on me simply because the tone is normal enough to be passed by as a YA novel but not too normal to be boring.

Oh yeah, this book will be anything but boring. For some reason it kind of reminds me of The Taking by Kimberly Derting (yes, I read the book. Don't hit me). A girl, trying to uncover a secret of her past and what actually happened to her. And the girl is a changed person. The two books are quite similar in these two aspects, which are what I like most about the book. A mysterious streak. Who wouldn't like it? Another part I like really much is that Cassie has to uncover a secret that can possibly ruin her life, and she doesn't even know it. The outcome is very interesting. (And that's all I'm going to tease)

Unfortunately Cassie is not as good as a character as I originally thought so. Yes, the post-anesthesia Cassie is nice enough, and I would also say this anesthesia thing is good for her just because she was kinda a bitch before the incident thing (even though she probably didn't really mean to be). But for some reason I just can't grow attached to that girl. She seems a little too far away. I think it's just me, but it kills a little of my mood. Fortunately this is not a big problem, so it doesn't matter much to the awesomeness of the book.

Do I recommend this book to you? Well, I won't recommend it like I recommend Throne of Glass series (which is one of my favorites) or something like that. But it doesn't hurt to try, because it is entertaining.

Rating: 7.5/10

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