Friday, January 24, 2014

Series Recap: Everneath Trilogy by Brodi Ashton

Reading Order (sort by release date):

Everneath (Book 1, Published on January 24, 2012)
Neverfall (Book 1.5, Published on December 26, 2012)
Everbound (Book 2, Published on January 22, 2013)
Evertrue (Book 3, Published on January 21, 2014)

Click the titles to check out my reviews.


Synopsis Recap:

Eveneath starts with Nikki Beckett returning to the Surface after six months (or one hundred years, depending on how you see it) of disappearance into the Everneath. She's trying to spend her six months on the Surface saying one final goodbye to those she loves before the Everneath claims her again. The problem is that Cole, the Everliving who brings her to the Everneath in the first place, is following her everywhere and trying to take the throne of the Everneath. He needs Nikki in order to do so. But Nikki and Jack, her boyfriend, will do anything to stop him, if Nikki can cheat death.

Nikki is devastated in Everbound. Jack makes the sacrifice and he's now trapped in the Everneath. She will do anything to bring him back... even if that means allying with the one who will be anything but happy to help her. As she travels through the Everneath, solving one obstacle after one another, she realizes who (and what) she's tackling is dangerous. Nothing will ever be the same after the journey.

Evertrue picks up right after Everbound. After saving Jack from the Everneath, Nikki is in grave danger -- she's turning into an Everliving herself. She has to depend on a guy she despises or die. Destroying the Everneath seems almost impossible. But after a rather unexpected and astonishing twist, they're storming into the Everneath to find a way to bring down it. But it will be no easy job because their enemy is someone dangerous -- the queen of Everneath. She will have to do anything in order to take down Everneath -- including making sacrifices.


Thoughts Recap:

Three words to describe the series: Fresh, Intriguing, Innocent

(I'm not going to talk about Neverfall here)

Everneath introduces a world which is like something out of a Greek myth about Persephone. I love how Brodi Ashton resets the original story and add new elements to the book. It's pretty unique. Nikki and Jack are totally a perfect couple. Throughout the trilogy they're there for each other. They'll just about do anything for each other (that is, if they're given that situation, and it's sad to say there's not many in the trilogy). Cole is an incredibly complex character. He might appear as a heartless Everliving, but there are times where he seems more human. While that guy often annoys the hell out of me, I admit that he's quite a great character.

Everbound is a nice journey. I enjoy most of it. But while the book is good enough on its own, other than the part where it actually contributes to the plot of Evertrue, it's not actually necessary to stay in the series. I really hate to say that, because I do like Everbound. But other than some small yet significant parts that sets up the stage for Evertrue, the rest is actually not that important. (Oh and Jack is missing for the most parts of the book, which is a sad thing, because I like that guy, even though he seems too perfect to be true)

Evertrue is the best out of the three of them. It doesn't bullshit around. Every single part of the book is exciting in its own way. There are also scenes where emotions from characters are strong. Either they're happiness, relief, sorrow, anger or heartbreak. They're nothing short of amazing. Evertrue has a really nice closure. It might not be the perfect one for some readers, but I think it's definitely good enough for me.

Overall: 7.5/10

Do I recommend this series?: I don't guarantee that you'll definitely like it. But it's worth a try.

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