Tuesday, November 20, 2012

5 Comments About City of Bones Trailer and Cassie's Wish List

The first trailer is out! If you still haven't seen it, which I'm sure it's almost impossible, you can watch it below:

So here's what I like about CoB Trailer:

1. The Cast:
Let's face it. Few can call Jamie is not right to play Jace now. Remember the window-kicking and back flipping scene? He is so Jace, okay? They look so perfect. They are just the characters. And it seems like they portray the book really well.

My favorite ones besides Jamie is definitely Kevin and Robert. I have no idea why Kevin and Jamie look so parabatai to me. Call me crazy, but I saw shadows of Will and Jem in Kevin and Jamie.

And Robert... you know, I have a little doubt on him at first because I saw Logan Lerman as Simon at first. But just as they started filming, Robert is the perfect Simon. Lily looks really cute with him. Although I can't really imagine how he will be like in City of Ashes, esp. when he becomes a vamp. But I have really high hopes on him, as much as all the other cast.

2. The Fighting Scenes

I have to start off with one sentence: THE FIGHTING SCENE IS SO PERFECT! You know what, my favorite one is definitely when Jace is smashing the window of the car with his foot. Damn, you have no idea how cool I think it is. The back flip and those flame throwers? Why all of them have to look so Shadowhunters?

I think I have to gain more control, cuz I am pretty sure I will break into all-out fangirl mode and can't stop my shrill screaming when the movie's finally out.

3. The Places

Well, I guess you all know that they were shooting some of the scenes in Toronto and not New York. But I can't see any traces of Toronto in the trailer. Even Java Jones... it just looks like they are actually in New York. That's a good thing, cuz sometimes I have the weird ability of telling that the cast is not shooting in places that where the story should be.

One of the best is probably the Pandemonium Club. It looks way darker than I thought it would be. Yeah, I picture them as a, you know, place that where drug dealers hang out. With all those crazy disco lights and people who are obviously high on the drugs. But this one? It gives me a feeling of darkness, not just some drug dealers' place or drugged teens. I have no idea how the crew can do that, but I'm glad they can do it.

The trailer is perfect, but it's not perfect enough. There are still some flaws.

1. The characters, particularly two.

The first is definitely Magnus Bane. Where. In. The. Holy. Hell. Is. Magnus? I know the whole Malec thing didn't start until City of Ashes/ City of Glass/ City of Fallen Angels (Whenever you wanna call it). But seriously, I wanna see Magnus. He just looks so hot to me. And even though Alec will not hang out with Magnus in CoB, it's quite a dissapointment that I can't see him in the trailer *Ugh.

Another one is Brother Jeremiah. The problem is his face. I know, Silent Brothers are not the most good-looking people on Earth. And they are mysterious. They are tend to look dark. But come on, surely their face won't be that bad. I mean, what if Will/Jem become a Silent Brother? I can't bear to see their faces like that... unless Brother Zachariah (who is rumored to be Will/Jem) is much better.

2. No hot scenes

To be honest, I can't even tell whether this is a bad thing or not. Because there is a good side of this "problem". This trailer is exciting enough. And surely the first teaser trailer won't give out too much information (even if we know all the details. Duh). I don't want my heart break through my chest too soon. And honestly, I wanna concentrate on the fight scenes in the first teaser trailer.

But not seeing the smoking hot Greenhouse scene is still a loss. But I can understand why. Surely all the fans in the theater will go all fangirl when they see Jamie kiss Lily in the Greenhouse. And maybe this is a good thing to them, because at some point, going fangirl too soon is not the best for the fans. Yet, I really wanna see the infamous Greenhouse scene.


Oh, and here's what Cassie wanna see in the second (there's a second one!) teaser trailer of City of Bones.

“What I really hope they show in a new trailer is Magnus’ party and more of Magnus,” she said. “I think that probably it’s not in the trailer because those are heavy CGI scenes with a lot of effects, and there’s just no way to do them that quickly, so I’m really looking forward to seeing that. There’s a certain flying motorcycle that I’m looking forward to seeing. There’s some great fighting stuff with Aidan Turner and stunts with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Lily Collins that are going to be really fun to watch.
“And, of course, I hope they’ll include a little bit of the greenhouse scene, which is really beautiful. I think people would love to see a bit of that.”

Are you giving teasers to us, Cassie? Are you saying all these just to torture us? I wanna see the second teaser trailer, like RIGHT NOW!

Cassie surely knows how to get under fans' skin.

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